Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Woozen Quests Looks...Different.

If you haven't already been online, which probably you haven't because you are SUPPOSED to be in school..tsk tsk. LOL my school is online, so I win! xP Anyway. What's different about the new woozen quests? 

That's Right!

It's blue! xD! It's weird, honestly. It just makes woozen quests seem so different. Hm..I don't know. Comment what you think below. I should also mention that when I say to comment, you have to have a Google account, or facebook or something. If you don't it's totally fine, you can still vote on some polls or something. Hm. Should I add more polls to my posts? 

Should I Add More Polls To My Posts?
I don't care.
Where am I?
I like potatoes.
Poll Maker