Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I am actually really busy right now but a thought just occurred to me. Why do I even want to be famous? I mean, think about it. When you're famous every thing you do is basically advertised to the entire woozworld community, which is a lot of people. You have people wanting personal info to expose about you, people always wanting to take you down. I mean it does have it's perks. Waaaiiitt...does it? I mean really, does it have it's perks? Let's make a list, shall we?
-Tons of fake friends
-Rumors always being spread about you
-Have to be more safe with personal information
-Getting exposed for things you may or may not have done
-Never knowing if you can trust someone or not
-People only wanting to use you for fame.
Honestly, I don't want any of that. I have to admit I want my blog to be a success, but I do not want to be famous. I mean, popular is one thing. I admit I would love to be popular as in having people saying "hi" when I walk into woozen quests. Having people value my opinion more, but then again I wouldn't be able to be myself. I would have to mask my true personality and try to fit in with what everyone else wants me to be. And for this, fame will never be on my bucket list. If it happens, it happens, but just keep in mind I never asked for it to happen. I never will either...
Thanks for reading.
~Smokey xo
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