Thursday, September 4, 2014

New blogger

So I have been getting a lot of requests for people to join my blog. Originally I wanted it to be just me, but I decided I would let someone else join. So every month I'll select one woozen that fits all of the requirements to blog with me for a month. Click "read more" for the requirements


-Must have a Gmail. This is because blogger is a google feature, and if you don't have a google account then I can't add you to the blog. If the Gmail you already have is the one you use for woozworld, please make another one and use that. I do not want to be accused of trying to steal information. 

-Must buy the new outfits regularly
-Must not curse without warning (aka, have a warning on the top of your post saying it might not be age appropriate)
-Your posts have to be about woozworld, if you want to 'rant' have a "read more" section on your post.
-Have to type well, have clear sentences, etc. I might edit your posts.
-No hating. Share your opinion, just don't hate. Example:
Opinion: You should report her immediately.
Hating: She's a bitch who should be banned
Kinda a bad example, but you understand.
-ABSOLUTELY NO SEXUAL CONTENT. You will be banned from the blog and reported on woozworld. (If you post a picture as evidence of something, use paint or something to black out the bad part of the picture, as well as a warning at the beginning of the post)
Warning should look like this: Warning - Explicit Language/Content
-What you say has to be truthful, or clearly stated as an opinion
-Must post at least seven times a week. Doesn't have to be once a day, but make sure it's seven times a week. Max. posts is 20 per week.
-Must be a VIP. No hating on non vips, I just want to make sure you can attend eventz, etc without having to wait in a long queue. Also, it proves your dedication to the game. Don't hate on me for this part, I'ts my decision not yours.
-Don't be afraid to ask me questions. Make sure if you want me to change something, you tell me. I wont be offended xp